Keyboards that represent you
Keyboards are devices and tools used by many on a daily basis, whether for productivity or leisure.
As so much time is spent interacting with your keyboard, why not personalise and accessorise it to better represent you?
Our keycaps depict characters and personalities of various fandoms from Video games, Anime, Vtuber talents and more.

How it started
When making my first keyboard I wanted to add an artisan keycap to the keyboard to make it that little bit more special.
Upon glancing at the keyboard it reminded me of Hololive's Hoshimachi Suisei's colour scheme. I then searched online for a keycap in her likeness to no success. So I took the matter into my own hands, and made my own!
We don't talk about that original keycap...
But it paved the way for the collection we now hold.
The creation process
After a character or theme has been selected the keycap is designed and 3D modeled in Blender.
After a revision or a few... The keycaps are resin 3D-printed.
Lastly, the keycaps are then meticulously hand-painted and given a protective coating, ready for your keyboard.
How are the keycap designs chosen?
Unfortunately, there isn't any real process as to what keycap gets made next.
I generally just make what I am feeling at the time on a whim.
I am open to suggestions, but no guarantees.
Our vision
Making keycaps started as a hobby and a passion of mine, then turned into a small business when a friend asked if they could have one too.
We aim to simply spread the love for keyboard customisation, keycaps and the fandoms they represent.